Oh for crying out loud do some homework to raise money!

Bill Liao
3 min readMar 22, 2023


As an entrepreneur seeking venture capital (VC) funding for your startup, it’s essential to do your homework on VCs before reaching out to them. Pitching your business to a VC can be a challenging task, and doing your due diligence beforehand can help ensure that you’re targeting the right investors for your company. Here are a few reasons why it’s crucial to do your homework on VCs before contacting them:

VCs Have Different Investment Strategies

VC firms have different investment strategies, which can significantly impact their investment decisions. Some VCs specialize in early-stage startups, while others focus on later-stage companies. Some VCs invest in particular industries or technologies, while others have a more general focus. By researching VCs before reaching out to them, you can identify those whose investment strategies align with your company’s needs. This can help you tailor your pitch to specific VCs and increase your chances of securing funding.

VCs Have Different Expectations

VCs also have different expectations when it comes to the companies they invest in. Some VCs are looking for quick returns, while others are willing to wait for a longer-term payout. Some VCs are hands-on investors who want to be involved in the day-to-day operations of the companies they fund, while others prefer a more hands-off approach. By understanding the expectations of the VCs you’re targeting, you can better tailor your pitch to their needs.

VCs Have Different Ticket Sizes

VCs have different ticket sizes, which refers to the amount of money they are willing to invest in a particular company. Some VCs focus on making small investments in a large number of startups, while others prefer to make larger investments in a smaller number of companies. By researching VCs before reaching out to them, you can identify those whose ticket sizes align with your funding needs.

VCs Are At Different Stages in Their Fund Cycles

VC firms are typically organized around a particular fund, which they use to invest in startups. These funds have a specific life cycle, and VCs are typically at different stages in their fund cycles at any given time. Some VCs may be nearing the end of their fund cycle and may be more selective about the companies they invest in, while others may be just starting their fund cycle and may be more open to new investments. By researching VCs before reaching out to them, you can identify where they are in their fund cycle and tailor your pitch accordingly.

In conclusion, doing your homework on VCs before contacting / spamming them is essential for any entrepreneur seeking funding for their startup. By understanding the investment strategies, expectations, ticket sizes, and fund cycles of the VCs you’re targeting, you can better tailor your pitch and increase your chances of securing funding. Remember, the VC world is highly competitive, and doing your due diligence can help you stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression and prevent you from appearing to spam or blunder in front of people you want to invest serious money in you.

