“Navigating Boardroom Turbulence: Mastering the Art of Handling Narcissistic members.”

Bill Liao
5 min readJun 14, 2024


Dealing with one or more narcissists on your board of directors will be an immensely challenging, yet ultimately manageable, endeavor that demands a blend of strategic foresight, diplomatic finesse, and steadfast adherence to established processes. Here’s how to navigate this intricate situation effectively.

First and foremost, setting clear boundaries is crucial. Establishing and enforcing boundaries regarding behavior and responsibilities ensures that all board members, including the narcissist, understand and adhere to the board’s code of conduct and policies. This foundation helps mitigate any attempts by the narcissist to overstep or dominate discussions. It’s not just about rules; it’s about creating a culture of respect and professionalism that everyone is accountable to. You actually honor the contributions and positions of other board members and the executive members by upholding these standards consistently.

Focusing on the organization’s purpose and values is another vital strategy. By keeping discussions centered on objectives, you can minimize the narcissist’s attempts to redirect attention to themselves. This approach helps maintain the board’s focus on what truly matters for the organization’s success. It’s about steering the conversation back to the shared values and collective purpose, rather than allowing it to veer off into personal agendas. Protecting the executive’s vision and the teams collective mission is paramount.

Limiting the narcissist’s influence is essential. Distributing power and responsibilities among all board members and sub-committees prevents any single individual from dominating decision-making processes. Note that a narcissistic board member will seek to dominate sub committees if they see these as powerful. So while this egalitarian approach can ensure that all voices are heard, thus reducing the narcissist’s ability to control outcomes it can also be abused if careful attention is not paid to committee composition. By fostering a more distributed work load, you can ensure that decisions are made through a more balanced and inclusive process, which is useful for the health of the organization. Honoring the diversity of thought and experience within your board ensures more equitable participation.

Formal processes and procedures for decision-making are your allies in this situation. Relying on these structures reduces opportunities for manipulation and ensures transparency. Decisions made through established protocols are harder for a narcissist to contest or undermine. It’s about having a clear, documented process that everyone understands and follows, which leaves little room for individual manipulation. Narcissists will use your strengths against you or claim them for themselves so document your and their track record and you can show the truth by the formal evidence. Protect the integrity of the board’s decisions and the executive’s initiatives by adhering strictly to these processes. There is a great deal of utility in formality.

Documentation and measurement are also critical tools. Keeping detailed records of agreed upon measures and written minutes that reflect the true records of decisions of meetings, protects the organization and other board members from potential misrepresentation or disputes. This practice provides a clear account of proceedings and helps resolve conflicts with factual evidence. In contentious situations, having well-maintained records can be invaluable in clarifying what was discussed and decided, reducing the likelihood of disputes based on faulty memories or intentional distortions. Honor the contributions of all members by ensuring their inputs are accurately recorded and acknowledged. Do not use video or audio recordings as your records as these often do not truly reflect the agreed intent of a board meeting or sub committee meeting. Legally the minutes of the meeting are the true record. When video or audio recording of meetings is done and participants know they are being kept then counterintuitively you give the narcissist an opportunity to manipulate outcomes by using the added pressure of the recording.

Encouraging team collaboration can dilute the narcissist’s influence. Promoting a culture of mutual respect and collective input among board members fosters a more balanced dynamic. When everyone is encouraged to contribute, the narcissist’s voice becomes one among many rather than the dominating force. By valuing diverse perspectives and encouraging open dialogue, you create an environment where collaboration and mutual respect are the norms. Protect the collaborative spirit of the board and honor each member’s voice by actively fostering inclusivity.

Private conversations with the narcissist can also be effective as long as they are not one-on-one. Narcissists thrive by manipulating people one at a time and they will falsely report what is said one-on-one if such false reports can advantage them. Addressing disruptive behaviors directly and respectfully in smaller groups allows you to express concerns and expectations without overly public confrontation. Clear communication in these semi private discussions can sometimes lead to improved behavior. It’s about finding the right moment and approach to have a candid conversation, where you can address specific issues without the defensiveness that might arise in a larger group setting. Protect the board’s harmony by resolving conflicts discreetly and honorably even when the narcissist generally has no honor.

In cases where conflicts persist, seeking external support might be necessary. Involving a mediator or consultant provides an unbiased perspective and facilitates conflict resolution. An external party can assist in navigating complex dynamics and offer solutions that internal members might overlook. Professional mediators bring a level of expertise and neutrality that can be crucial in resolving entrenched conflicts. Protect the board’s functionality and honor everyone’s efforts by utilizing professional conflict resolution resources when needed.

Regular performance reviews for all board members ensure accountability. These reviews provide an opportunity to address any issues constructively and set expectations for behavior and contributions. This process keeps everyone, including the narcissist, aligned with the board’s goals and standards. By regularly evaluating performance and giving feedback, you create a culture of continuous improvement and accountability. Protect the board’s standards and honor each member’s development by implementing thorough performance assessments.

Finally, if the narcissist’s behavior is severely detrimental and other strategies fail, you may need to consider replacing them. Follow the organization’s bylaws and legal procedures for board member removal to ensure a smooth transition and protect the board’s integrity. An effective tool in this process is conducting deep background research into the narcissist looking at previous behaviors and positions. A n narcissist didn’t just wake up one day and decide to be the way they are. There will be ample evidence of toxic behavior in their post so collecting that data will be useful in gaining the necessary support to have a unified decision to effect the necessary change. Protect the board’s cohesion and honor its mission by making this difficult decisions when necessary for the greater good.

By implementing these strategies, it is possible to manage the impact of a narcissist on your board of directors and maintain a productive, harmonious working environment. This approach not only safeguards the organization’s mission, it also fosters a culture of respect and collaboration among all board members. Through clear boundaries, focused discussions, clear processes, thorough documentation, team collaboration, direct communication, external support, regular reviews, and, if necessary, decisive action, you can navigate the challenges posed by one or more narcissists on your board effectively and constructively. Protect the integrity of the board, honor the contributions of every member, and ensure the organization’s success through these deliberate and thoughtful approaches.

